Mobile Widget Reference
This Mobile Widget reference includes details of the structure, available parameters, and an example of the request.
This approach has been deprecated and will be removed in 2021. Please use the REST API, GraphQL API or Android SDK to create mobile widgets
To render the referral program in your iOS, Android, Windows phone, Cordova or Xamarin mobile project, you should include a customized URL in a WebView or iFrame component.
This will load a mobile-responsive widget in your app which can track referrals as well as let your users refer their friends.
🔗 Base URL
Each of these customized URLs starts off with the same base URL section. To complete the URL, first replace {{tenant_alias}}
with your program's Live or Test tenant alias.{{tenant_alias}}/widgets/mobilewidget
Each link is then customized with the following parameters:
🔗 Parameters
The base URL is then personalized with a combination of the parameters outlined below.
These parameters should be from the logged in user for whom you intend to load the mobile widget.
The parameters for the mobile widget are similar to those used the squatch.js init call.
tenantAlias | Required |
Identifies which account to connect to. This is a super important parameter. For your app, you will get
two tenant aliases -- one for test mode and one for live mode. Test mode alias are prefixed with test_, for example test_abhoihnqwet
userId | Required | A user ID from your system (must be unique for every user). We use this to uniquely track users, and lets us handle accounts that are shared between users. |
accountId | Required | We use accountId to link a group of users together. See Shared vs Solo Accounts to see what you should use here. |
paymentProviderId | Required | Unless explicitly setting this field it should be left as `NULL`. On payment provider programs this can be set to the Stripe Customer ID, Recurly Account ID, Braintree Account ID, or the Zuora Account ID. for free trials or freemium accounts. |
accountStatus | Optional |
The status of the account identified by
referralCode | Optional |
The referral code of the person that referred this
userReferralCode | Optional |
The referral code to be shared by this `userId`.
firstName | Optional | The user's first name |
lastName | Optional | The user's last name |
Optional | The e-mail address of the user. We use this to contact someone when they have a successful referral. | |
userImage | Optional | Defaults to Gravatar or, if unavailable, the user's initials. If you provide a absolute profile image URL the minimum image size is 80px x 80px. Requires Signed Requests. |
fbShareImage | OptionalDeprecated | Defaults to no image for Facebook referrals. If you provide an absolute URL an image it will be used when a referral is made on Facebook. Minimum image size is 114px tall or 155px wide. |
locale | Optional | The user's locale, used for Internationalization. The locale must be of the format `language_COUNTRY` where the language code must be lowercase and the country code must be uppercase. The separator must be an underscore.
Examples: en or en_US or zh_CN |
mode | Optional |
Sets the display mode for the mobile widget being loaded. The mobile widget defaults to being loaded in a hosted mode.
checksum | Optional | A HMAC-SHA2 checksum that is used to validate that data originated from your servers. For details, see the Signed Requests documentation. A signed request can use EITHER jwt or checksum but not both. |
jwt | Optional | A JSON Web Token (JWT) that is used to validate that data originated from your servers. For details, see the Signed Requests documentation. A signed request can use EITHER `jwt` or `checksum` but not both. |
🔗 Example
🔗 Parameters
Along with the Base URL (filled with out tenant alias) we select some test data to set for the parameters.
Note: Make sure to URL encode any parameters (
🔗 Example Personalized URL
The parameters are then combined to create the unique URL. For the example parameters from the previous section, this will look like:{{calculated_JWT}}
🔗 Embedding the URL in a WebView or iFrame
The unique URL can then be used to show the referral widget to your users.
Details about how to include a URL in a WebView or iFrame can be found through the following external references for a wide range of mobile development platforms.
🔗 Widget Theme Customization
Mobile widgets take full advantage of the Referral SaaSquatch theme system, so they can be completely customized to match your brand, theme, style, colors, fonts, animations and more. By default, standard themes come with a mobile-responsive template based upon Bootstrap 3, but custom themes like those used in the Shoeboxed referral program shown here can be customized complete with tabbed navigation.
🔗 Configuring Default Behavior
The Email and SMS Share options in the referral widget uses the mailto:
and sms:
link formats.
Your app needs to be correctly configured in order for the mailto:
and sms:
links to work smoothly on both iOS and Android devices from within an webview.
🔗 Configure iOS Links
When using Swift 2.2.1 or 2.3 add the following code in your UIWebView’s delegate:
func webView(webView: UIWebView, shouldStartLoadWithRequest r: NSURLRequest, navigationType nt: UIWebViewNavigationType) -> Bool {
if let scheme = r.URL?.scheme where scheme == "mailto" || scheme == "sms" || scheme == "whatsapp" {
return false
return true
For Swift 3 add the following code to your ViewController.swft:
func webView(_ webView: UIWebView, shouldStartLoadWith r: URLRequest, navigationType nt: UIWebViewNavigationType) -> Bool {
if let scheme = r.url?.scheme, scheme == "sms" || scheme == "mailto" || scheme == "whatsapp" {
return false
return true
Add the following to your Info.plist:
Item 0 - String - sms
Item 1 - String - mailto
Item 2 - String - whatsapp
🔗 Configure Android Links
Configure the URL actions:
public class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
String stringUri = null;
try {
stringUri = URLDecoder.decode(url, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
if(url.startsWith("mailto:")) {
String[] url_variables = stringUri.split("&");
String subject = url_variables[0].replaceFirst("mailto:\\?subject=", "");
String body = url_variables[1].replaceFirst("body=", "");
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, body);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Send Email"));
else if (url.startsWith("sms:")) {
String[] url_variables = stringUri.split("&");
String body = url_variables[1].replaceFirst("body=", "");
Intent smsIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
smsIntent.putExtra("sms_body", body);
else if (url.startsWith("whatsapp:")) {
String[] split_string = stringUri.split("=");
String text = split_string[1];
Intent sendIntent = new Intent();
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, text);
else if(url.startsWith("http:") || url.startsWith("https:")) {
return true;
Use the following code example to Load the Webview:
String url = "";
WebView widget = (WebView) this.findViewById(;
widget.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());